In life, day to day as it passes, It buries your desire,
time pass by and what you want to accomplish, your personal goals never get
done. You get trapped by your other goals, credit card to pay, work dateline,
Job commitment, etc. All the dates forces you to procrastinate your personal
goals. So, you should get started writing down your personal goals and set a
When you are at a crossroad or your personal goals and other
targets, which road would you take, surely it is a difficult situation you are
in. But, think and imagine if you are at near death, what would you do ? Death
is life’s best teacher, as people at their death bed would think back and
regret the things they missed in life. I should have done this, I should have
done that . Hear that a lot ? the regrets ? Yes, the journey towards your
personal goals is hard, you would have to sacrifice a lot, endure hardship,
work in an uncomfortable situation, faces sleepless night, many more would have
question your decision, you would sometimes question that yourself. But the
results that you have earned would make you feel proud and pale those
Setting goals is important to be realistic. You do not say I
want an adventure, You do not say I want to travel the world. You have to be
specific, what , where, when, that way
you put your goals to be realistically possible. Remember to set your SMART
goals. Check it out SMART if you have not heard of it. During that process, do
not forget to seek help, advice from the right person. He might help you too,
you can help him too to achieve his goals. The world might be better by

One decision, a shift in perspective, all that you need to
change your life. You can do it !
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