The Amazing Race is a reality show that broadcast
races in two as they race around the word for 1 million dollar. The latest
season 21, sees Josh and Brent the Goatfarmer, who nearly escaped elimination
for 7 times ! The most in the amazing race history. However, their sheer perseverance
and determination allow them to surge ahead and grab the grand prize in the
final leg. Kudos..
During the race, Josh and Brent breaks the dominant
force of “final 3 alliances” consisting Trey and Lexi, Jaymes and James, and
the twins, Natalie and Nadiya. They prove that underdogs can have their right
time to shine, and they did it at the last leg where it counts most. They
overcame obstacles and have glimpse of hope every time they falter which seems
to be persistently happening since leg 5. They arrived last in an
non-elimination leg and also edged out :
Rob and Kelly – took the slow transportation and never
make up the time lost
James and Abba: Abba lost his passport
Abbie and Ryan: being U-turned by Jaymes and James
Natalie and Nadiya: bad luck struck upon them at the
right times.
They were deserving winners, as they race with honour
and integrity. Compared to the twins and Trey and lexi, the money stealers. Jaymes
and James betrayed Abbie and Ryan just to prevent a strong winner from getting
into the final, although Abbie and Ryan helped them in leg 3.
All in all, Josh and Brent did the best and I hope
that they can be an inspiring factor to motivate people to do their best with
honour and integrity and eventually, the right moment for victory will come,
and that makes a victory much more meaningful.
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