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Tuesday, 11 December 2012


We've heard strawberry, raspberry and many more common names. How many of you have heard pineberry ?

Some people called it the pineapple strawberry. It has white outer appearance decorated with small red dots. So hoping that i can taste it someday....=)

"The fruit flesh can range from soft white to orange and is very fragrant with a slight pineapple flavor," said Greg Goddard, the co-creator.


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Beekman Boys Pulls Up an Unexpected Win

The Amazing Race is a reality show that broadcast races in two as they race around the word for 1 million dollar. The latest season 21, sees Josh and Brent the Goatfarmer, who nearly escaped elimination for 7 times ! The most in the amazing race history. However, their sheer perseverance and determination allow them to surge ahead and grab the grand prize in the final leg. Kudos..

During the race, Josh and Brent breaks the dominant force of “final 3 alliances” consisting Trey and Lexi, Jaymes and James, and the twins, Natalie and Nadiya. They prove that underdogs can have their right time to shine, and they did it at the last leg where it counts most. They overcame obstacles and have glimpse of hope every time they falter which seems to be persistently happening since leg 5. They arrived last in an non-elimination leg and also edged out :

Rob and Kelly – took the slow transportation and never make up the time lost
James and Abba: Abba lost his passport
Abbie and Ryan: being U-turned by Jaymes and James
Natalie and Nadiya: bad luck struck upon them at the right times.

They were deserving winners, as they race with honour and integrity. Compared to the twins and Trey and lexi, the money stealers. Jaymes and James betrayed Abbie and Ryan just to prevent a strong winner from getting into the final, although Abbie and Ryan helped them in leg 3.

All in all, Josh and Brent did the best and I hope that they can be an inspiring factor to motivate people to do their best with honour and integrity and eventually, the right moment for victory will come, and that makes a victory much more meaningful.


Thursday, 6 December 2012

Belize's Blue Hole

from Yahoo  Answer

It takes bravery and special training to venture into the hydrogen sulfide atmosphere of the Bahama caves known as inland blue holes. Offshore flooded caves, so-called ocean blue holes, are extensions of the sea, subject to the same heavy tides and host to many of the same species found in the surrounding waters. Inland blue holes, however, are unlike any other environment on Earth, thanks largely to their geology and water chemistry. In these flooded caves, such as Stargate on Andros Island, the reduced tidal flow results in a sharp stratification of water chemistry. A thin lens of fresh water—supplied by rainfall—lies atop a denser layer of salt water. The freshwater lens acts as a lid, isolating the salt water from atmospheric oxygen and inhibiting bacteria from causing organic matter to decay. Bacteria in the zone just below the fresh water survive by exploiting sulfate (one of the salts in the water), generating hydrogen sulfide as a by-product. Known on land as swamp or sewer gas, hydrogen sulfide in higher doses can cause delirium and death.

Blue holes are roughly circular, steep-walled depressions, and so named for the dramatic contrast between the dark blue, deep waters of their depths and the lighter blue of the shallows around them. Their water circulation is poor, and they are commonly anoxic below a certain depth; this environment is unfavorable for most sea life, but nonetheless can support large numbers of bacteria. The deep blue color is caused by the high transparency of water and bright white carbonate sand. Blue light is the most enduring part of the spectrum; where other parts of the spectrum - red, yellow, and finally green - are absorbed during their path through water, blue light manages to reach the white sand and return back upon reflection.

The deepest blue hole in the world—at 202 metres (663 ft)—is Dean's Blue Hole, located in a bay west of Clarence Town on Long Island, Bahamas. Blue holes formed during past ice ages, when sea level was as much as 100–120 metres (330–390 ft) lower than at present. At those times, these formations were subjected to the same erosion from rain and chemical weathering common in all limestone-rich terrains; this ended once they were submerged at the end of the ice age. Most blue holes contain both freshwater and saltwater. The halocline is the point in these blue holes where the freshwater meets the saltwater and where a corrosive reaction takes place that eats away at the rock. Over time this can create side passages, or horizontal "arms", that extend from the vertical cave. These side passages can be quite long; e.g., over 600 metres (2,000 ft) in the case of the Sawmill Sink in the Bahamas. Blue holes are typically found on shallow carbonate platforms, exemplified by the Bahama Banks.

Blue holes can run extremely deep underground, with one Bahamian blue hole exceeding 600 feet (180 meters) below sea level, and contain a series of mazelike passageways going miles in many directions. These cave systems can transition from giant rooms to tiny holes that divers must remove all of their gear in order to squeeze through. To add to the challenge, currents reverse in the ocean caves, making timing of dives critical. In the Bahamas , the inland underground systems serve as aquifers that contain the rain water that percolates down through the porous limestone. In these geologic reservoirs, a thin lens of the lighter freshwater floats above the denser salt water. In addition to its critical role as a source of potable water, this underground world is home to dozens of new species, including a new class of crustaceans. The Bahamian archipelago spans almost 1,000 miles (1,609.3 kilometers), allowing the team to test theories of human and animal migration, and to reconstruct regional climate back hundreds of thousands of years. These reconstructions can help us understand the extent and rates of global sea level rise as well as occurrences of abrupt climate change, both important issues in the face of global warming.

Blue holes in the Bahamas are usually classified as one of several types: (1) Sinkholes, which are the large round blue holes usually seen from the air and are the type of formation where the Blue Holes get their name. (2) Fault line or fracture, which arevery deep caves are usually associated with localized faulting. The systems generally run parallel to a deep-water, offshore canyons such as the Tongue of the Ocean east of Andros Island, or the Exuma Sound, east of the Exuma Cays. (3) Lens based blue holes are usually the longest of the blue holes and are often highly decorated with speleothems. They are the result of a well-defined fresh water lens, actively dissolving a vast system of passages into the limestone. These are also known as flooded flank margin caves.


Each of these different types of caves could be associated with or connected to each other. For example, Angelfish Blue Hole in the Exuma Cays is predominantly a lens-based cave that connects through several passages to a major local fault line cave system. After their initial creation, fault line caves continue to enlarge by the same chemical processes as lens-based caves. Because of its subsurface entrance this cave is also considered a marine or ocean blue hole. Another example is Bottomly's Blue Hole and Mystery Cave on Stocking Island, Exuma. Bottomly's is an inland (Anchialine) blue hole, that is connected by a labyrinth of passages to Mystery cave, which is a very tidally effected marine blue hole.

Life is Unfair. Right ?

Unfairness is probably the most indispensable element in human life. We dealt with it since we were young and never seem to leave us even when we’re old. Unfairness has brought the best and worst out of most people. For some, unfairness is a stepping stone while others just have to dig deep and accept it.

Unfairness in human aspects including social life, material aspect, happiness, achievements, opportunities, etc has been drawing lines to throw people high above the clouds and leave people down to struggle. How life can be for fairness to prevail? We never know because it will never be achieve in this world. For some anime lovers would know that a fair world can be achieved in the Naruto Series. Uchiha Madara plans to project his eye on the moon and cast an illusion to earth so that dreams can take over the human life and he would be creating a new society where everything is fair. This is too good to be true but Naruto defies it. This is because the price of having a fair world would be human would lose their freedom to act as they please. Under communism, which claim that every citizens would receive equal sharing also exists. But at the end of the day, there would be someone with too much power and unfairness would also exist in the eyes of others. There is always a price for fairness and the degree of tolerance depends on individuals. Some say it is worth bargaining in exchange for ultimate fairness.

The life is like a balance beam. Sometimes you may gain high while sometimes is just not your day. If you think you deserve to earn some gain, then you felt happy for it. However, the human minds are complicated. It can produce solutions from every permutation and combination from an unanswered question. In perspective wise, people deemed you do not deserve it and see it as prejudice, sometimes, you yourself even think that what is being poured in will receive the right amount of reward and this like you standing still on the balance beam. However, do not be overjoyed just because of that gain because people tend to make mistake on a comfortable seat. Also achieving success with unorthodox means wouldn’t be happy-ing for long.

Being realistically, we will never stop succumb to the effect of prejudice and it is best to figure up a solution to negate it. One of the ways is to hold still to your religion and use what is available to channel your unpleasant feelings into a pleasant vibe. For some who have a lucky streak, the success wouldn’t stay long. I had watched Survivor for seasons and those sole survivor who never meant to win, but won the 1 million cash prize are often sidelined when the true tests come. Tina Wesson who won the Survivor Australian Outcasts was lucky to have been chosen to the final tribal council was the first to be kicked off at the Survivor All Stars. Colby Donalson, the true American Hero although lost to Tina, was given the opportunity to win the Sexist Man Award at the All Stars and also earned places in Survivor Heroes Vs Villians and All Stars. It doesn’t matter he lost to Tina, because he has earned the support from the survivor fans. Chris who miraculously won Survivor Vanuatu was never heard again, same goes to Brian from Survivor Thailand. Those who played earnestly and whole hearted are recognized. Yau-Man from Survivor Fiji, Ami from Survivor Vanuatu, Amanda from Survivor China, Stephanie from Survivor Palau earned respects although they never win.

 To share my personal experience, I felt that the other side of down can give your more insight of knowledge and experience that will never be learned by those who somehow sail smooth to success. This can be a good leverage in case you were on the down side of the balance beam. It gives you opportunity to strengthen yourself in whichever aspect and turn it into a norm so that when times came for you to shine after countless times at the down side, you would still remember the feeling of the down side and drives you to keep maintaining the top spot. 

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Child Brides

"Help young men and women who are affected by the Israel war"
"Social events, outpouring with happiness"

Child brides are not even mentioned. Happiness can just be another way of expressing a single thoughts that may seem represents the whole. Truth are just being made to subject to people own their desire.