Quizwise was the perfect chance to obtain the grand prize of RM1000 which we
missed by an inch last year. Last year, Vasco de Gama consisting me, Moctar and
Hussam was so close to taste victory but a close margin due to the unfair and
unjust happenings fall onto us. We were pretty pissed off by the way they
organize the event.
to our surprise, my team this year named Have It Late has the skills to win
that competition but we fell short and landed on 3rd place again which seems
like a magnet to us. Me, Moctar and Mahmoud were called Have It Late because
Mahmoud found a sponser (Have-It-Late) for us to enter the competition. 32
teams battling for 4 places in the final and we managed to top that round and
we only lose 1 point from that round. This feat equaled our fantastic
performance last year which we were top of the qualifying round. With a huge
margin of leading, Mahmoud said we have a good chance of winning.
bad luck struck upon us like last year and nothing seems to go in our way. The
questions we received were difficult in comparison to others. The buzzer round
was the most pathetic round ever created as there are no fair means to see who
raised their hand first. At one time, 1 was raising my hand first to obtain the
permission to answer and the invigilator was looking at other teams for no
reason and the moment I want to shout for her attention, the other team she was
looking at raised their hand. Mahmoud raised his hand during the video round
and she noted that we were the first team but when the video was played and
over, she then gave the other team to answer when they raised their hand
immediately. Her reason was we didn’t raise our hand and maintain it the entire
time when the video was played. Pretty deplorable I guess.
so disappointed with the organizing committee once again! But nevertheless, I
was not disappointed with myself because the competition gave me a new insight
on my path in the life. Knowledge encompassing anything under the sky and
spanning from the birth of the universe to the present day never seems to have
expiry date in our life. They can be used anytime and wherever we need it.
Unlike some of the subjects we learned in educational system in Malaysia. I was
never interested with all that. I was learning the arts and geography of the
world when we were having the history test in school. All that built up
knowledge really bailed out as I know where I stand and I can compete
internationally with people from Asia, Central Asia and Arabic.
felt that that momentous night 19 Nov was worth cherish as I will remember the
time we as friends compete together happily and great success was
achieved. Winning is what I enter for but
the process which allows me to bring back great memories and realization was
equally important. The competition shaped the way I think and base a path to
where I want to head to in the future.