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Saturday 15 October 2011

Testimony (LIFE): Idiot, Cowards or Retards ??

When all odds seem to be against you, you’ll just have to complain and eventually grief. Because you will get nothing from the complain despite having countless reasons for supports! This is Malaysia. This is where you can expect incompetent statement or actions shown by (...................). You can expect that your chances of being successful is blocked at all times. Ais Kacang Puppy Love suffered the same tragedy as Nasi lemak 2.0.

Both films are denied for 20% tax rebate. Ais Kacang Puppy Love collected more than RM5 million at the box office. Just because the medium of language is Mandarin, it is not entitled as a Malaysian made movie. This successful film even achieved moderate success in Taiwan and Hong Kong. I just cannot understand the reason and logic behind “70% of the dialogue in Bahasa Malaysia = Malaysian made movie”. This is must be ultimate way for the Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture to promote Bahasa Malaysia itself, not Malaysia !

Yeah, Namewee has caused controversies in race issues. According to FINAS Nasi Lemak 2.0 that did not qualify for mandatory screening status.   What !!???!!

Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz (the minister in the Prime Minister's Department) has given us his endorsement, saying Nasi Lemak 2.0 is a 1Malaysia film.”

FINAS: Producer (Namewee) had sparked a controversy before.

Does this has nothing with the so called mandatory screening status thingy ??!!!?? That is just the opinion from u guys. Such a low classed retard statement. If you guys wanna talk about black and white. Lets just see what the rules state lah !!!
Moreover, Namewee is just a actor and script writer. The producer is Fred Chong !

FINAS: The decision is final !!

So, I guess this is what 1Malaysia means… hmmm… 

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