Writing blog is a drag
whenever you have tons of things you wish to convey but you seem can’t put them
to words. To able to create something which pure genuinity is impossible for human.
It is because human learn by passively absorb multiple things and integrate it
piece by piece from all the sources they possess. We mimic what we see, hear
and feel and innovate it subconsciously in several aspects to create what we
regard as creative.
To spark creativity,
human must have either their self desire or when they stumble across roadblocks
in their life. That’s the element for solution in our life, depending what we
feel which problems is, for us or what not. If you’re contented with what you
have and treat the entire problem as your companion, then the urge for
creativity ceases. Contrary, some may
happen to have high desire and their creativity becomes a deadly shortcut that
disregard the process taken to obtain what they wanted. However, it is
imperative to see that creativity is just a subset of learning. Ethics, self
belief, initiative and so on are too important.
One of my lecturers
from Britain shares his contrast view between the learning process in the
United States and the learning process where I was form. He was teaching in my
country for quite some time and he travels extensively to many places. In his
opinion, the endpoint of the numbers on the paper justifies learning as a
success in my country. People strived for that all the time. It has become a
norm passed from the older generation and they think they’re on par with others
but in fact they’re disillusioned. In the States, the success in learning is to
stumble across as many problems as possible. This is to ensure people will
solve that problems and learn more. The bigger hole you find in a developed piece
of land, the greater chance if you fixed that hole, is that people can benefit that
big piece of area for many purposes, the greater contribution you give to the
community. He gave me an important piece of advice after I managed to engage in
an extraordinary conversation. He advised me to keep up to what I am doing so
that In future, when I do learn enough money, I can visit to different places. That
dream itself would be a good incentive to me for what I am doing. For me, it
would be a long term benefits that I would try to foresee though my work doesn’t
paid off in this down slopping educational life. I just need to believe in
myself strongly.